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Our Mission
Our mission at The Ebeling Agency is to work with individuals who inspire positive change in the world through their writing, speaking and vision. We are inspired to promote author’s work that encourage people to find their passions and fulfill their dreams.
Our Focus
With over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry, The Ebeling Agency represents a wide range of commercial non-fiction. Our areas of focus include health and wellness, business, spirituality, psychology, self-help, personal-growth, inspiration, parenting, pop culture, women’s issues, pets, humor, memoir and narrative non-fiction.
The Wallet Allocation Rule – Winning the Battle for Share
The Wallet Allocation Rule is a revolutionary, definitive guide for winning the battle for share of customers’ hearts, minds, and wallets. Backed by rock-solid science published in the Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review, this landmark book introduces a new and rigorously tested approach—the Wallet Allocation Rule—that is proven to link to the most important measure of customer loyalty: share of wallet.
Companies currently spend billions of dollars each year measuring and managing metrics like customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score (NPS) to improve customer loyalty. These metrics, however, have almost no correlation to share of wallet. As a result, the returns on investments designed to improve the customer experience are frequently near zero, even negative.
With The Wallet Allocation Rule, managers finally have the missing link to business growth within their grasp—the ability to link their existing metrics to the share of spending that customers allocate to their brands.
- Learn why improving satisfaction (or NPS) does not improve share.
- Apply the Wallet Allocation Rule to discover what really drives customer spending.
- Uncover new metrics that really matter to achieve growth.
By applying the Wallet Allocation Rule, managers get real insight into the money they currently get from their customers, the money available to be earned by them, and what it takes to get it. The Wallet Allocation Rule provides managers with a blueprint for sustainable long-term growth.
% of books that do not sell more than 1,000 copies
average # of minutes an agent spends reviewing a query letter
average # of days a book will spend on the shelves at a bookstore
# of books that are published in the US every year
Recent Sales
Running on Empty No More: Transform Your Relationships
Since the publication of Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect, many thousands of people have learned that invisible Childhood Emotional Neglect, or CEN, has been weighing on them their entire lives, and are now in the process of recovery. Running on Empty No More: Transform Your Relationships will offer even more solutions for the effects of CEN on people’s lives: how to talk about CEN, and heal it, in relationships with partners, parents, and children.
The Recipe Hacker Confidential
In today’s era of rampant food allergies, gluten-free popularity, and the rise of paleo eating, putting together a meal that will satisfy everyone at your table is easier said than done. With Diana Keuilian’s unique approach for “hacking” recipes, however, you’ll learn how to easily recreate beloved, traditional comfort foods without the grains, gluten, dairy, soy, or cane sugar.
The long-awaited follow-up to The Recipe Hacker, The Recipe Hacker Confidential is bursting with more than 100 new recipes and stunning photos that will tantalize your taste buds while trimming your waist, with lighter versions of your favorite recipes such as:
– Breakfast Pizza, Sweet Potato Mini Muffins
– Butternut Squash Spaghetti
– Easy Teriyaki Chicken, Maple Bacon-Wrapped Salmon
– Real Healthy Snickers Bars
– Cookie Dough Bonbons
Keuilian spills all her secrets on how to hack these recipes—and many more—while preserving the flavor, presentation, and enjoyability of each sumptuous dish. She also shares stories and musings throughout the book that will inspire, encourage, motivate, and propel you toward weight loss, better health, and culinary happiness.
The Bra Book
In 2009, The Bra Book helped countless women find the right bra. Now, Luciani, known as “Dr. Oz’s Bra Guru,” returns with this updated edition of her one-and-only guide to all things underneath.
If 85 percent of women are wearing the wrong bra, what else in their undergarment drawers doesn’t fit as well as it could?
Luciani continues her mission to arm women with the knowledge they need to find the right fashion support. From the best bra for every outfit to important information about bras and breast health from puberty to retirement, from the physics behind bra design to how you can best ensure a proper fit, The Bra Book: Second Edition is still the ultimate resource on bras for women everywhere.
Lucky for us, Jene has expanded the book to include new and updated, yet essential, information from the ever-changing world of intimate apparel. In the era of “smooth is better,” thanks in part to the “Spanx movement,” The Bra Book: Second Edition now features a guide to the often overwhelming world of shapewear and swimsuits. Luciani eliminates confusion with her friendly guidance on finding the perfect fit and even tackles the uncomfortable questions, such as, “What really causes sagging?”
Discover new ways to best flatter your figure—and have fun shopping for that perfect fit. The Bra Book: Second Edition doesn’t just tell women how bras and shapewear work; it shows them how to make those garments work for them!
Get It
You know how you’re always thinking about getting more organized? More focused? Healthier? Changing up your hair routine? And so many other things?
It’s time to stop thinking about it and do it! We know getting started seems overwhelming; we’ve been there. We’re both busy professionals and moms, so we know how self-care gets pushed to the side. But that’s not the way it should be!
We want to help you become your best self—that’s why we teamed up to write Get It! And gathered all our favorite tips, tricks, and secrets to help you get whatever “it” you want: Get Centered, Get on Track, Get Organized, Get Healthy, Get Fit, Get Beautiful Hair, Get Flawless Skin, Get Made Up, Get Stylish and Sexy—in just minutes a day.
From finding a calm center amidst chaos and dressing for your body type in your 30s, 40s, and beyond, to getting in shape no matter what your schedule looks like and saving time on hair, makeup, and looking and feeling young, Get It! is the ultimate handbook to finding style, beauty, and wellness within yourself while getting exactly what you want out of life.
The Wallet Allocation Rule: Winning the Battle for Share
The Wallet Allocation Rule is a revolutionary, definitiveguide for winning the battle for share of customers’ hearts, minds,and wallets. Backed by rock-solid science published in theHarvard Business Review and MIT Sloan ManagementReview, this landmark book introduces a new and rigorouslytested approach—the Wallet Allocation Rule—that isproven to link to the most important measure of customer loyalty:share of wallet.
Companies currently spend billions of dollars each yearmeasuring and managing metrics like customer satisfaction and NetPromoter Score (NPS) to improve customer loyalty. These metrics,however, have almost no correlation to share of wallet. As aresult, the returns on investments designed to improve the customerexperience are frequently near zero, even negative.
With The Wallet Allocation Rule, managers finally havethe missing link to business growth within their grasp—theability to link their existing metrics to the share of spendingthat customers allocate to their brands.
- Learn why improving satisfaction (or NPS) does not improveshare.
- Apply the Wallet Allocation Rule to discover what really drivescustomer spending.
- Uncover new metrics that really matter to achieve growth.
By applying the Wallet Allocation Rule, managers get realinsight into the money they currently get from their customers, themoney available to be earned by them, and what it takes to get it.The Wallet Allocation Rule provides managers with ablueprint for sustainable long-term growth.
Behind the Clutter: Truth. Love. Meaning. Purpose.
You are already a masterpiece.
Have you ever wanted to know the secret to creating a life you love? How do you discern what’s really standing in your way of becoming all you were born to be?
In Behind the Clutter, June Saruwatari opens her home and her heart to reveal the transformative decluttering approach that has kept her in demand as a lifestyle, business & relationship coach, and professional organizer to investment bankers, attorneys, judges, artists, politicians, writers, rabbis, university professors, doctors, mothers, children, Hollywood producers, and celebrities. The key to your best life is to master the spaces of your body, mind, soul, and heart, and let go of the clutter within and without. In this part spiritual memoir, part self-help book, June vulnerably and relentlessly examines her own internal and external “stuff” through her unique fourfold lens of TruthLoveMeaningPurpose:
- TRUTH: What is the truth of my current situation?
- LOVE: Do I absolutely love this?
- MEANING: What is the meaning of this for me?
- PURPOSE: What purpose does this serve in my life?
With fearlessness, vulnerability, and childlike enthusiasm, June digs deep to uncover the thoughts, feelings, memories, and beliefs that lay behind the clutter – and shares effective strategies to identify both internal and external clutter, let it go, and create space for miracles. As you go behind the clutter with June as your guide, you’ll discover that you are your own best expert at designing your life, learn to apply your own TruthLoveMeaningPurpose to all the “stuff” of life, and uncover the masterpiece of yourself that’s been there all along.
Transform: Reclaim Your Body & Life From the Inside Out
TRANSFORM. . .is not like any other book about weight loss that you’ve read. It’s more than a diet prescription and exercise routine. There are plenty of books that can help you with that. TRANSFORM offers something new and profound. A step by step approach that will empower you to transform your physical self AND your life by discovering how to tap into and modify the mental and emotional programming that is sabotaging your ability to create the results you want.
TRANSFORM teaches you how to make long-lasting change to your body and life by making powerful and profound modifications to your psychology and mindset. It’s more than just a meal plan and a workout—it’s a blueprint for living a more fulfilling, healthier life!
TRANSFORM doesn’t just tell you what to do—eat this, train that. Most people know they should exercise more and eat cleaner. Although TRANSFORM does provide this information too. It’s not what you already know that’s the issue. It’s what you don’t know about yourselves that is sabotaging your ability to act on what you know. TRANSFORM reveals to you through an experimential approach how to identify and remove the sabotaging blocks to your success.
TRANSFORM recognizes that we are more than just a body. We are made up of the mind, the body and the spiritual—we are mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic AND physical beings. For true transformation and total wellness to occur ALL of these facets of Self must be addressed. This is why TRANSFORM takes a holistic approach to physical transformation which is more than just diet and exercise—your mental program and emotional behaviors and programming must be explored, scrutinized and examined.
The Complete Book of Juicing: Your Delicious Guide to Youthful Vitality
With fifty new recipes and new information on the benefits of juicing and juice cleanses, here is the completely revised and updated edition of this juicing category killer.
The first completely revised edition of this juicing classic, The Complete Book of Juicing is packed with new information on super fruits such as pomegranate and papaya, weight-loss and juice fasts, immune function, juicers, and more. With one hundred fruit and vegetable recipes and a fresh new package, this book is a user-friendly and fun necessity for any juicing kitchen.
Powerful Peace: A Navy SEAL’s Lessons on Peace from a Lifetime at War
Powerful Peace is a logical arrangement of brief topics on conflict. Four progressive sections (Body, Mind, Heart and Soul) each contain a dozen, easily-digestible but hard-hitting chapters. Each chapter builds on the one before it in leading the reader to first understand that force is sometimes necessary, that persuasion is more powerful, and that some conflict is unnecessary and preventable. The goal of Powerful Peace is to open the reader’s mind about other cultures to comprehend that different does not have to mean wrong, and that an individual’s life can be richer and more enjoyable by trying out some of the concepts contained in Powerful Peace. Powerful Peace is unique and appealing. Never before has a book been written by a SEAL with the intent of reducing conflict and its painful consequences for innocent victims. Powerful Peace addresses the hot topic of American fatigue from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, today’s political environment is souring many citizens’ confidence in the direction of our national leadership. Powerful Peace offers hope that real solutions are available.
Kingonomics: Twelve Innovative Currencies for Transforming Your Business and Life Inspired by D. Martin Luther King Jr.
While most know of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s sweeping dream of equality and freedom for all, what many do not realize is just how keenly focused he was on economic issues, particularly in his later years. Without economic opportunity, King often noted man “has neither life nor liberty nor the possibility for the pursuit of happiness. He merely exists.” It was, in fact, while planning the Poor People’s March, a dramatic stand on economic issues, that his voice was forever silenced. In his final book, King posed the question, WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? The answer lies in KINGONOMICS, a 21st century interpretation of his economic vision translated through the eyes of globally established economic innovator, business developer and highly successful serial entrepreneur, Dr. Rodney S. Sampson.
Comprised of twelve currencies (including service, innovation and reciprocity), Sampson takes pertinent ideas from the life and works of Dr. King and, by combining them with real life experiences, produces a guide through which one could realize their full potential and personal power. Success does not discriminate and the roadmap to it is contained in the pages of this revolutionary new work.
Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect
A large segment of the population struggles with feelings of being detached from themselves and their loved ones. They feel flawed, and blame themselves. Running on Empty will help them realize that they’re suffering not because of something that happened to them in childhood, but because of something that didn’t happen. It’s the white space in their family picture, the background rather than the foreground. This will be the first self-help book to bring this invisible force to light, educate people about it, and teach them how to overcome it.
Naked: How to Find Your Perfect Partner by Revealing Your True Self by David Wygant
Imagine how easy dating would be if you knew exactly who you were dating from the get-go, and the other person knew the same thing. In Naked: How to Find Your Perfect Partner by Revealing Your True Self, internationally-renowned dating expert David Wygant takes you on a journey that will change your life forever. David will help you conquer your relationship fears and insecurities once and for all, and attract the kind of people you want to meet, date, and build long-term relationships with. Within these pages, you will discover how to use the Law of Attraction in dating to your advantage, how to speak from your heart, how to understand exactly what you want out of life, and how to communicate honestly—with yourself and with your mate. David is one of the most often quoted dating experts in the country, and frequently featured on Yahoo, MTV, MSNBC, Fox News, E! Entertainment Television, The New York Times, MSNBC, Cosmopolitan and Men’s Health.
The One Command: Command Your Wealth by Asara Lovejoy
Readers have been exposed for years to the idea that they are the creators of their reality. And while books like The Law of Attraction, Ask and It is Given, and The Secret, have all made important, lasting contributions to readers’ understanding of how and why this is true, there are essential components that have not been fully explored or integrated. These are truths that the grandfathers of quantum mechanics have inferred but that no one has synthesized into a cohesive system that people can use to change their lives in significant ways. In The One Command: Command Your Wealth, popular radio host, speaker and founder of The One Command process, Asara Lovejoy, demonstrates how the power to change one’s life lies within their own brain and biology. The book guides readers through a six-step process behind The One Command, making it practical and easy for readers to implement immediately. Asara’s One Command training program has helped millions of people around the world through in-person workshops, teleseminars, Commanding Wealth Circles, online One Command membership, and leadership certification.
The Comedy Film Nerds Guide to Movies: Featuring Dave Anthony, Lord Carrett, Dean Haglund, Allan Havey, Laura House, Jackie Kashian, Suzy Nakamura, Greg … Schmidt, Neil T. Weakley, and Matt Weinhold
The Comedy Film Nerds Guide to Movies brings what has been missing from movie discussion for too long: A healthy dose of humor. This is the first time ever two filmmakers who are also comedians give their views on film. It will bring movie discussion to a younger audience in a way they can relate to it without all the stodgy film school discussion. This is a movie book for film and comedy fans, by filmmakers and comedians. In the way that Jon Stewart and Bill Mahr have brought comedy to politics, Chris and Graham will do this for film.
Executive Toughness: The Mental-Training Program to Increase Your Leadership Performance: The Mental-Training Program to Increase Your Leadership Performance
Take your professional game to the next level—in 100 seconds or less! People with inborn talent may be good at what they do—but only the mentally tough reach the highest plateaus in their field. And here’s the best news of all: mental toughness is something anyone can learn.
Director of mental training for the St. Louis Cardinals and a top-tier executive coach, Dr. Jason Selk knows everything there is to know about developing the mental toughness required for achieving any goal you set for yourself. In fact, the techniques he outlines in this book are the same ones he used to help the Cardinals defeat the heavily favored Detroit Tigers in the 2006 World Series.
Inspired on the vision of legendary basketball coach John Wooden, Selk’s program is as simple as it is effective. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. You have to put effort into your drive to success; it’s the only way to build up your mental “muscles.” Selk provides hands-on daily exercises for breaking old, self-defeating patterns of behavior and replacing them with the can-do attitude and positive behavior that would make Coach Wooden proud.
Executive Toughness outlines the three fundamentals for attaining high-level success:
ACCOUNTABILITY—admit to mistakes, correct them, and, most important, learn from them
FOCUS—on your strengths, on winning, on reaching your goal . . . for only 100 seconds per day
OPTIMISM—don’t just believe you can succeed, know you can succeed
Executive Toughness takes you through the steps of making these critical behaviors part of your everyday routine. Practice your accountability, focus, and optimism, and you’ll be on the path to attaining your goals; make them part of your mental “DNA,” and there will be no turning back—ever.
A complete regimen from a leading expert on developing the mindset for attaining goals, Executive Toughness is your workout for ultimate success in your career and in your life.