
Literary Representation


We are passionate about helping authors develop successful literary careers. We’ll represent your non-fiction books to publishers, edit competitive book proposals, develop detailed promotional plans and connect you with publishing experts intrinsic to your success.



While our primary focus is literary representation, we are passionate about educating and guiding aspiring authors through our author coaching services.  These authors are often not quite ready for traditional publishing, perhaps because their platform is in the earlier stages of development or their book concept is not fully fleshed out. Others may be trying to assess whether self-publishing is their best option, and if so, how to go about it.  Our agency advises authors about various aspects of book publishing in relation to their career, setting realistic goals and offering strategies and tools for achieving them.

One-on-one coaching is offered to authors not receiving literary representation from our agency, including aspiring, traditional and self-published authors across several different areas.

Platform Development


The Ebeling Agency assists authors in building their promotional platform. Services include developing comprehensive strategies involving branding, website and e-newsletter development, speaking engagements, traditional media, social media and the latest platform-building techniques.